The Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 (密歇根州立大学丹佛) is committed to maintaining environments that are welcoming, 安全, 和可访问, where all students, 工作人员, 教师, 游客, 客人, 供应商, 承包商, and others can study, 工作, 和/或重新创建, free from discrimination, 骚扰, 恐吓, 和欺凌, consistent with University policies, and relevant law.  To advance this goal, we have partnered with one of the leaders in the risk management industry, Vector Solutions, to provide online training courses. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 employees will soon be able to access the trainings through Workday.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 President, Dr. 珍妮戴维森, has instructed all employees, including student-employees, to take the following online courses every two years.  Employees will receive relevant email reminders from the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO), which administers the courses.

  • Accommodating Disabilities; and
  • Preventing Harassment and Discrimination.

All employees also must take the following course every year, as required by Colorado State law:

  • Check Point: Data Security and Privacy.


All new employees must complete these training courses within 30 days of being hired.

For questions or concerns, please contact OEO at 303-615-0036, or email Ms. Amanda Miracle, OEO Equity Specialist, at [email protected]